Buku ESP-Reading English for Medicine & Health

Rp 103.000

Pengarang Hariratul Jannah
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
ISBN 978-602-453-897-2
Ukuran 15.5×23 cm
xxiv, 156 hlm
Harga 103.000
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
 Tahun  2018

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku ESP-Reading English for Medicine & Health

Buku ESP-Reading English for Medicine & Health |

Staying Alive, is the first edition, motivates medical and health students to succeed in their academic as well as personal language goals. The book is aimed at teaching ESP- Reading English Medicine and Health students some of the basic vocabularies of their field of science to enable them to communicate their knowledge in English at scientific meetings, conferences or everyday situations at work. Students may also benefit from the teaching material when, preparing their diploma work, they have to read or skim quite a few articles in English.

Reading is an interpretive skill. Reading comprehension is based largely on the amount of information readers can retrieve from a text, and the inferences and connections that they can make within and across texts. By describing the tasks that readers can perform with different types of texts and under different types of circumstances, the Reading Guidelines describe how readers understand written texts. This Guideline does not describe how reading skills develop, how one learns to read, nor the actual cognitive processes involved in the activity of reading. Rather, they are intended to describe what readers are able to understand from what they read.

The reason for giving this book name is  Staying  Alive,  in medicine, if research found new ways to save lives; health care professionals would adopt these methods as quickly as possible, and would change practices, procedures, and systems. Educational research has found new ways to save young minds by helping them to become proficient readers; it is up to us to promote these new methods throughout the education system. And so does the survival of public education. The urgent task before us is for university faculty and the teaching community to work together to develop programs that can help assure that all teachers of reading have access to this knowledge.

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